Is it Time for You to Get an Eye Exam?

Life gets busy and sometimes we forgot about appointments, it happens. So, if you are sitting there trying to remember when the last time you had your eyes checked – you aren’t alone. Your health is important, and it is crucial to take care of your eyes. So, when do you know it’s time to… Read More

How Smoking Is Negatively Impacting Your Vision.

It is well known that smoking is the leading cause of serious health conditions that affect your lungs, heart, and much more. What most people don’t know is how smoking negatively impacts your eyes and puts you at an increased risk of developing cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and dry eye syndrome. Read more… Read More

Helpful Tips to Protect Your Eyes from Digital Eye Strain

    Growing up in today’s day and age it’s not if you will use technology throughout the day – it’s about how long your day will be consumed behind a screen. Whether you’re sitting at work behind a computer for 8 hours or lounging on the couch scrolling through your newsfeed you could be… Read More